Later last year, talking with Matt Regnier from Pleni, he shared with me the vision of an Association of Professionals from the Event industry, who would join forces, support each other with their services and knowledge, while giving solutions to what is coming next!
And somehow like that, it was an easy decision to join and become part of this extended worldwide family of passionate professionals with long history in the events, meetings and conference industry! What could be better than share the passion for what we love the most with others that behave in our business field like us?
Yet the pandemic caught up with us and although our Association was founded and started spreading, we still didn’t have the chance to meet each other in person or support one another with the proper means and feedback! However, the reason we are here is showing its true colors more and more each day! We advise each other in regard to suppliers, to manpower and to business opportunities worldwide. This is after all why this Association was created!
Its clear…that united we stand, divided we fall…and that is not an option for us!
Thank you IC – International Consultants for trusting me with a seat at your Extended Board and you can count on me to support the efforts that are in the making for the years to come!