Moderating on-line events for CRN!

Pivoting during the pandemic was the number one swift and prompt decision that had to be taken in order to maintain events happening!

Moderating of course was and still is one of the key-elements for making any event or meeting a success!

For this reason, and in order to support one of our clients during the past two years, we started moderating Congress Rental Network‘s on-line events and we dare to say that it is quite challenging as it is for on-site meetings.

Keeping track of time, giving the floor equally to everyone and making sure that all voices are heard still remains one of the basic principles for a smooth- run meeting. And we have done that as well while working on the CRN-RSI platform that the network white-labeled during the pandemic.

So in case you are looking for a moderator for any type of events you will be hosting, on-site, on-line or hybrid, drop us an email at and let’s work together in order to explore how we can make your event & meeting a sure success!

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Moderating on-line events for CRN!

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